Cause not for nothing, NYC Public Transportation Survival Rule #1: MIND YA BUSINESS.
Uuugh. Just read a story in the NY Daily News about a 23 year-old Queens woman who was shot and killed by muggers after she allegedly refused to give up her purse. Can you imagine? But wait on it… why was her husband standing right next to her when all the drama went down??
So err-umma yeah, about the ultimate gheotto ish that was last night’s season finale of VH1’s Basketball Wives…
I admit it. I started following Charlie Sheen on Twitter this morning.
As if this weather isn’t bad enough, now we’ve got nuns in Brooklyn falsely accusing Black men of rape.
Let me get this straight. A 13-month old baby drowns in the bathtub while his mother is checking her friends’ status updates and playing CafeWorld on Facebook? Forreal?