Category: it’s not a game out there

No matter how you slice the cake, being cheated on sucks. And the older I become, the longer it takes me to trust. So to discover that someone I finally allowed myself to believe in, be completely unguarded around and tell Elsa about has betrayed me? Well like the 57% of you, just call me Capt. Cut-‘Em-Off.

And no, it’s not because I don’t understand how challenging it can be to meet amazing, progressive, single men nowadays. In fact, I’m the first one commenting on how much harder it’s become over the years and threatening to auction my virginity on Ebay (oh wait, it’s a little too late for that, huh?). But quietly, it’s just as hard to meet amazing women. So the way I see it, we’ll both be struggling to figure it out after the fact.

One of the hardest lessons I’ve learned is if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for everything. And since I don’t have kids to consider, I refuse to be the only one trying to hold the sinking ship together. DO NOT come crying to me to me after the fact because you feel guilty or worse, cause your side chick is getting out of pocket and is threatening to rat you out. Sloppy is not hot.

Although I’ll admit; I wasn’t always this jaded. Looking way, way back, like the 42%, I’m sure that if my ex had simply been upfront about what happened or in my case, confessed before the trifling jump-off called my phone (insert eye roll and sigh) we would’ve definitely been able to move past it. Because keeping it real? Deep down inside, I wanted to forgive him. I wanted to make like the white girls in the movies and have a happily ever after. Now, no one’s saying it would’ve been easy (cause I’m a Scorpio and you know how we do) BUT when you actually meet someone that matters, it can be hard to just let go of everything because of one unfortunate, meaningless indiscretion…

I was really hoping that the Chicago police would find Jennifer Hudson’s nephew Julian King. I kept delaying my post about the situation because I was convinced that somehow, some way, that the innocent 7 year-old boy was going to be okay. Unfortunately not. And so my thoughts go out to Jennifer Hudson and her family for the multiple losses they suffered this past weekend. I pray that at some point they will all be able to heal and recover.

I also hope that this unspeakable tragedy serves as a gentle reminder to the rest of us-no one is 100% immune to domestic violence. Hindsight is 20/20 but trust, somewhere along the line, somebody saw J-Hud’s sister’s estranged husband say/ do something that made them pause. And lord knows they probably even tried to say something…
Tragically, you know how hardheaded women in love (myself included) can be about our relationships- giving folks a million and one chances, overlooking the obvious, acting like crazy is ever cool, etc. Read: unnecessarily gambling with our mental and physical wellbeing just not to be alone.

Humph, all I can say is point duly noted.

I was going to start my day by breaking on Sarah “I’m a fake Maverick” Palin and the newly leaked expense reports that prove she’s been flying her three daughters all across the country to different events and shacking up in luxury hotel rooms at the state’s expense. And wait on it… homegirl got caught trying to amend her expense reports to read as if the girls were on ‘official state business’ all after the fact. Why by-golly, are you trying to tell me is that 7 year-old Piper is not capable of conducting official Alaska state business (insert patronizing wink/ smirk combo)?? I cry for the country.

Needless to say event organizers (who’ve seen way too many lobbyists headed to the clink in the past couple of years) were hardly willing to take the fall for the dimwitted Governor. As soon as they were questioned by the press, they started dry snitching like Bodie in The Wire, talking about, “We never extended an invitation to her family… The girls just showed up.” Um, what you say?
Jesus, take the wheel because I can’t.:

But then, I received word of a voter in New Mexico getting turned away from the polls because of the t-shirt she was wearing and I got a little sidetracked.

WOW, so I guess all the hundreds of annoying emails reminding me not to wear an Obama t-shirt, button, sticker, underwear, eye patch or tattoo to the voting polls this November 4th that my beloved cousin Vianet keeps forwarding to are actually true. My bad, V!

Turns out that the poor lady was in a freaking wheelchair when she got sent away!! Talking about her Obama t-shirt was distracting to other voters. Um sure, but not for nothing the liquor store next door isn’t? I’m just saying… It’s definitely getting ugly.

Check out the craziness and be prepared.

Oh my god, is it just me or has the temperature dropped like 20 degrees in 2 minutes?? I always know that it’s officially winter when instead of sunshine on my face the sound of the extra loud hood radiator spewing project heat wakes me up in the mornings. Sigh… thermal underwear, dry skin, and sporadic nose bleeds soon come. Don’t be jealous.

But to be honest, I knew this moment was coming a couple of nights ago when I was standing around in some BK bar celebrating my Harlem homegirl/ workout partner Sharae’s dirty 30th bday and it was FREEZING inside there. I mean seriously? Why was it cold inside the spot? When good company and a couple glasses of cheap champagne don’t help to warm me up in the middle of a relatively full room of people (what you know about that Andre Champagne??), there’s freaking problem. I guess this is why so many folks get pregnant during the winters. ‘Cause mark my words- can’t nothing good happen outside the crib when it’s cold.

Stay warm people. Oh and if you get sick, no offense but puh-lease stay away from me.

So after three and a half long years in my apartment, I am finally ending my love/ hate relationship with the eclectic, DIY decor theme (read: haphazard, whatever works) that I’ve assembled and completely redecorating all the major rooms. Recession be damned; I’m talking new paint, new furnishings, and an all over new grown and sexy attitude. Are you with me?

But I gotta tell you, your girl has absolutely ZERO home decorating skills and even less interest in the HDTV channel whatsoever. Like seriously, the very thought of the paint section of Home Depot gives me an anxiety attack. There are like a ka-zillion different shades of freaking white. How the hell an I supposed to know which one works best in my apartment??? Then there all these technical temperature terms- warm color, cool shade, etc, etc. And we haven’t even started on the throw pillows and conversational pieces…MY GOD.
All I want to know is, where is my Martha Stewart gene? How come I can’t figure out what subtle tones and what shades compliment each other just by looking at the paper swatches. And more importantly, why isn’t it a good idea to paint my accent wall hot pink????

It’s that’s time again (drum roll, please)…..
The latest installment in my Essence Magazine certified, Publisher’s Weekly praised, African American Literature Award nominated teen series HOTLANTA; IF ONLY YOU KNEW; is in bookstores nationwide RIGHT NOW. WooHoo! Yip-Pee! This is where the bottles pop and the crowds start chanting my name!! ;)

IF ONLY YOU KNEW continues the crazy, drama-filled adventures of ATL hotgirls Sydney and Lauren Duke- the ‘flyest’, wealthiest, ‘it’ girls Buckhead has seen in a loooong time. If you ain’t know before, it’s a page turner for all ages! If you watch The Hills, Gossip Girl, Baldwin Hills or any of the many scandalous young adult shows on television, you’re gonna LOVE my book. And if you don’t, you still love me and that should be more than enough.
So seriously, what I really, really, really need you do is, run, not walk or stroll to your nearest bookstore and purchase your copies IMMEDIATELY-one for you, your mom/aunt/sister/baby cousin and the closest teenager in your life. And then puh-lease, TELL SOMEBODY I DON’T KNOW to buy a copy. At $8.99 a pop, its the perfect birthday/ holiday/ everyday gift.

And if you’re caught up inthe gas crisis, by all means, make your purchase online at amazon. Every sale counts, not to mention there’s a free shipping incentive going on RIGHT NOW:

Keep it real, don’t you like being able to say you know an author who’s at the top of Amazon’s bestseller list? Wouldn’t you like to see me sitting on Oprah’s couch talking smack?? Well if you support my books, that very well might happen. But if you don’t… what you’re gonna be saying is, I KNEW a writer who is now break dancing for dollars at the 34th Street/ Herald Square subway station.
And nobody wants that, right?

I know I’m probably going to hell for this but I gotta say, I find it so amusing when prominent pinktoes fall apart in public. I’d like to think it’s less about race and more about equality. African American are repeatedly getting put on blast for the ignorance (hello, Jesse Jackson). So a little balance is always appreciated. I know, I know… Whatever I need to say to make myself feel better. So what I’m having a moment!

So how in the world is John Edwards gonna get caught up in the made-for-Maury paternity suit when his wife is dying of cancer? As if adultry isn’t bad enough? You’re going to kick her back in while she’s dealing with chemo treatments? My. God.

And then what about good ‘ole Hayden Panetiere from NBC’s Heros? Why her dad got to slap boxing her momma’s face the other night? Apparently, when the po-po showed up, Dad told them that she “disrespected” him (yes, that’s a quote) by being all up in some other dude’s face at the party they’d just come from. Not the “disrespected” excuse!

Lord, what’s next? A leaked sex tape featuring Laura Bush and David Beckham? I swear, there’s trailer park in heaven for every last one of them.

I can’t believe Bernie Mac is dead. Like seriously, he was only 50 years old!! I don’t want to put my Elsa’s business out there like that but seeing his age made my nerves bad enough to call her constantly complaining of old age behind IMMEDIATELY.

To be frank, I still don’t understand how someone with that much access to good healthcare dies of pnuemonia. It’s like, go to the damn doctor negro! What is the problem? Can I tell you, when I’m rich and famous my behind is gonna be at the doctor for every damn thing! I’m taking if big toe starts to itch, I’m calling a professional toe expert to take a look.
This is such a tremendous loss for comedy. Not just Black comedy… B.Mac was hilarious all across the board. Do you remember the scene in FRIDAY when the midget chases him out of the house and throws a brick in his car window? Oh god, and what about the crazy character he played in LIFE? On the real, how accessible did he make OCEAN’S ELEVEN for the hood? Wasn’t THE BERNIE MAC SHOW was the most realistic look at an African American family EVER. And just forget about his stand-up. KINGS OF COMEDY. Period.

for a washer and dryer. Like seriously, my definition of ‘happily-ever-after’ is a top of the line washer and dryer inside my apartment. Forget the husband, baby and white picket fence (watching all the bad ass kids cut up in the supermarkets cured me of all that)… I’m talking, can’t sleep at four in the morning? Go ahead and throw that single pair of jeans in the machine so that even if I’m grumpy, I’ll still look sexy.

I HATE the laundry room in the basement of my building. Although I only wash the floor mats and dog towels, it’s still too much time out of my life lost in that dank, stinky rat hole. Every time I’m down there, I start creating all these horror story scenarios in my head about getting slashed, killed, and beheaded by some recently released psychopath. I can see it now-the trifling super will find my head spinning in the industrial size dryer when he finally shows up to lock the room at 9.30p. Yes, I have an active imagination dammit. But if it goes down, don’t say I never told you.

I read a recent article in the New York Times, that exposed how even the uber wealthy are starting to feel the strain of this recession that isn’t really happening according to the Bush Administration. Apparently, the wealthy are selling off rarely worn jewelry to high end hock shops, down grading from the Gulfstream to Lear jets and even going so far as to declare brunette the new blonde (because the cost of getting a decent highlight is too much). But the struggle for them is two-fold. Because when you’re shall we say, financially challenged to begin with, no one really turns a head if you become poorer. When you’re at the top, the tumble is a little more humiliating. Apparently, the anxiety of keeping the summer house when you are barely making the private school tuition payments is driving the Jones to drink.

While there is really only so much sympathy I can have for folks that can essentially buy and sell my life; I will admit feeling a little sad when one guy admitted feeling like his wife would probably divorce him when she found out that not only were they broke but his borrowing to keep up the lifestyle had put them in severe debt. However, for the most part, I’m relieved that the knife is cutting clean across the board. Everybody’s lifestyle is taking a hit right now. Fingers crossed, the same hand they’re using to tighten those belts will pull the correct lever when it comes time for the presidential election.

Check out the article:



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