Category: it’s not a game out there

The tragedy that was Sean Bell’s murder on the night before his wedding is eclipsed only the injustice of every single one of those police officers being aquited earlier today. You know, we all joke that there are days, moments, even weeks when its exhausting to be black in America; today it’s straight sad…. and frightening.

I think my boy Geoff put it best: “I am really blindsided and saddened by this. And really scared to be out without a camera crew filming me for my own protection and possible legal defense. Because obviously that’s what it takes to prove that you didn’t need to be riddled with bullets.”
Feel free to laugh until you cry.

So you may or may not remember this news story that broke a couple of months ago…

A Haitian woman who recently moved to West Palm Beach, FL was the victim of a home invasion. According to the news, NINE masked teenage boys, kicked in the door of the apartment where she lived with her pre-teen son. Over the course of several hours, they physically assaulted her and her son (they beat both, broke a plate over the kid’s head and then poured cleaning chemicals in his eyes), gang-raped her, forced her to perform oral sex on her own child and then tried to set them on fire.

As is the case with many recent immigrants, local kids in the ‘hood had been systematically bullying/ beating the crap outta the kid b/c of his distinct accent and out-of-style clothing. Officials believe that the home invasion was meant to further terrorize the boy and possibly rob the home. But when the mother tried to fight back and protect her child it took this horrific turn.

Mind you, this poor woman lives in the largest and most dangerous (naturally) projects in Miami. She is surrounded by people at ALL times. And NOT one person came to her aid. NOT ONE. After the fact, neighbors admit hearing her screams but cited fear of retalliation as their reason for not calling the police. WTF? I’m confused. Criminals have super sonic hearing and will know if you dial 911?

Of the nine teenagers that commited this crime only two have been apprehended. One has plead guilty.

As if this wasn’t enough to make you vomit in your mouth…

Al Sharpton and locals members of the NAACP are now rallying behind the ACCUSED boys. Yes, you read that correctly. Fat ass Al is down in Florida talking about, ‘its not right that these boys haven’t been granted bail.’ Apparently there was a similar situation involving a group of white kids that gang raped some girl and they were granted bail.
Ummmmmmm newsflash- the white kids didn’t force the girl give her own father a blowjob.

If I never hear about Al Sharpton or the NAACP again, it will be too soon. Bail? Those teenagers are ANIMALS. They should be locked under the jail. There are no words. I just don’t understand how we can hate ourselves this much.

Read it and feel free to cry. I know I did::

So last night, we had an old school style/ kick in the door/ bring in the dogs style police raid in my apartment building. I’m sorry, let me clarify- in the apartment directly above mine.

Around 10.20p, just as I was hunkering down for a much needed night of sleep, there’s this humungous BOOM, all kinds of screaming and a man screaming- “THIS DA POLICE!!! EVERYBODY GET DOWN!! EVERYBODY ON THE FLOOR!!”
So naturally, my nosey ass shot straight to the front window where in less than 20 secs, ten police cars pulled up-on the sidewalk- blocking traffic from both directions and countless policemen were running up in my building like a bad episode of COPS. Straight drama.
I watched out my window for the next 15 minutes as a pitiful parade of at least 10 kids were lead out and around the corner single file (just so you know, my building is adjacent to one of the largest predincts in upper Manhattan) to jail. It was so sad. All these little knuckleheads that I’ve come to depend on to open the front door when I can’t find my keys, carry my grocery bags when I’m overwhelmed and more importantly give the very necessary “you looking good” head nod whenever I step out; gone just like that.
This morning when I left my apartment, everything was eerily quiet. There wasn’t one bleary-eyed hooded wanna be thug pulling his pants up as he struggled in from a hard night’s work or a single offering of ‘god bless you mami’ to start my day. Sigh, this gentrification thing is working my nerves.

So I went up to Woodstock this past weekend to see my girl Joan perform in the Vagina Monologues. I had a great time. She was totally amazing, the show was really good, and I didn’t even ruin my riding boots in the five inches of snow that fell during the performance. Afterwards we had an old school sleepover where we ate bad food (Burger King was the poison of choice), stayed up as late talking about boys and then woke up to a bright sunny Saturday. I couldn’t ask for more. That is until I boarded the bus to head back down to the city and realized somewhere along the line I’d misplaced my earmuffs. And just that quick, I went from shiny happy people to damn near suicidal.

Why? Because those were my only pair of earmuffs left for this season (yes, I already lost a pair a couple of months back). And if you take one look at my picture, its pretty safe to say that there’s no hat in the entire world that’s fitting over that head of hair. What in the world was I going to do for the next three months without something to cover my ears? As visions of self-imprisonment floated through my head, I remembered that I’m going skiing in Tahoe on Wednesday!! At that point, I was literally in tears.

As soon as the bus pulled into the Port Authority, I bolted to Macys on 34th Street (a.k.a Dante’s Inferno on a Sat afternoon). Praying the whole way- dear God, it’s me Mitzi. I know its March 1st but puh-LEASE let there still be earmuffs available. PUH-lease! Apparently God was on a cigarette break, because when I got to Macys, the section formerly dedicated to hats, gloves scarves and most importantly, earmuffs is now converted to the sunglasses nook. All i could think was, there was a freaking snowstorm last night!!! Is anybody besides Diddy a.k.a Leader of the ‘I Wear My Sunglasses At Night’ movement ready for sunglasses yet?

Certain that a nervous breakdown was near, I called my girl Rhea who like any good pregnant lady was home doing her hair on a Sat afternoon. And she suggested I try Paragon sports in Union Square. Thank god for my friends.

Not only did Paragon have earmuffs, they were having a snow sale so almost everything skiing related was discounted. HAAA-LELUJAH, HAAA-LELUJAH, halelujah, halelujah!!!

Have you ever been so relieved to find something that you started crying when the sales person shows you that the store has them in stock? Well that was me. I swear the poor salesgirl must of thought I was a psycho the way I started blubbering my thanks. Sigh. Yes, I am so many things… but none of them cold.

So I’m chatting with a good friend that cuts hair for living and he mentions that he isn’t feeling so well. Something about a sore throat and tightness in the forehead… Not thinking much of it, I suggested he take some Emergency, get some rest, and promised to check on him the next day.

Well in true Mitzi form, as soon as I hung up the phone my mind got to spinning out of control- What would happen if he really got sick? Who was going to cut his clients hair? And then bringing it back to me- ’cause I always do- what would would happen if Edris, my favorite hairdresser in the whole entire world ever got sick? What if it happened on a day that I needed her? Omigod, I would be DEVASTATED. ‘Cause ask anyone who’s ever seen me with the signature EDRIS party ‘do- that woman makes my hair SANG. Whenever I leave her salon I look and feel like a sups-dupa-star!!!

Besides it’s a scientific fact that can’t nothing go right when your hair is a wreck. I’m willing to go as far as, there are just some people that should never be allowed to get sick, go on vacation, have babies, etc.- brain surgeons, the President of the United States, and most importantly, hairstylists. Shoot… Edris is just as important as my transplant coordinator and quietly, even more of a priority when it’s time to step out (no offense Maureen).

Please believe that from this day forward, without fail, I will be including Ms. Edris in ALL my daily prayers.

Or at least laying my tired behind down.

But no, instead I’m here reading a Reuters article about the lastest medical research discovery- HIV can now be transferred to previously healthy babies though pre-chewed food. (PS, in case you’re curious-that to your left is an image of an electron micrograph of the HIV virus.)
“In developing countries, some mothers pre-chew food for babies. These women may lack access to packaged baby food or may not have a way to blend baby food. This practice is thought to be very rare in the United States or other wealthy nations.” (Clearly, these medical researchers haven’t been around busy black mothers recently.)
“The researchers, who presented their findings at a scientific meeting in Boston, said the infected women’s saliva itself did not transmit the virus to the child, but rather it appears blood present in the saliva caused the infection… HIV transmission appears to have occurred when the children ingested pre-chewed food that contained blood from the bleeding gums of HIV-infected women, and this entered the children’s bloodstreams through a cut, sore or inflammation of the mouth or digestive tract. (Not sure about you but I personally got queasy at the bleeding gums part.)
“They said they ruled out other possible means of infection such as breast-feeding or blood transfusion.” (I’m confused. If minute samples of blood in the saliva is enough, why wouldn’t a transfusion from this same individual be a problem? As a person very likely to need another tranfusion at some point before I kick the can; this blatant contradiction concerns me. But I digress…)
“The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it had identified three cases — two in Miami and one in Memphis, Tennessee — in which a child was infected in this way between 1993 and 2004. The mother was involved in two of the cases and a relative who acted as a caregiver was involved in the third.” (For a second I was going to talk about the insinuation that Miami and Memphis have folks living there that behave like they’re in a developing country but it’s late; so I’ll just save the smart talk for another time…)
Okay, I’m done. Forreal, forreal, folks are stop acting like HIV isn’t still killing us every which way you turn.

Check out the entire article if you have the time:



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