Category: tapped out

Why is running errands in 20 degree weather so much harder than when it’s warm outside? It’s not like the number of things on the to-do list changes… It hurts to think when I’m this cold. I was wearing no less than 5 layers of clothes and still freezing my behind off. It makes no kinda sense. And even though I was being productive in theory, at the end of the day when I finally dragged my tired, numb butt into my apartment only to discover the 150+ emails waiting in the inbox, I felt like I haven’t done a damn thing worth taking about. SIGH. I need an personal assistant. Pronto.

Okay, maybe I should start with a PDA… But not for nothing, I don’t want folks to have that much access to me. When I’m out, I’m out. I like the idea of my cellphone being just that- a phone. No you can’t send me pictures, no I won’t receive your urgent email, I barely reply to text messages (typing on the miniscule numerical keypad hurts my hand) and if you call during peak hours I probably won’t even answer. Go ‘head and try me.

Now I know that everybody thinks that their godchild is special. But for the record, I KNOW that my John Junior is beyond special. Matter of fact, I’m scared of this child. Every time I turn around he amazes me… Case in point, today- I’m talking to his mother about what’s new and improved in my little jelly bean’s world (Yes, that’s what I call him).
Here’s how our convo went:

Mitzi: So how is JJ doing in school?
KD: “Things are great. JJ had his first parent teacher conference… the pychologist had to explain to his teachers why JJ is the only child that goes to the quiet box and stands on his head.”
Mitzi:“Um KD… why is my godson standing on his head when he gets sent to the quiet box a good thing!?!?”
KD: “Because that’s the way adults tone it down in yoga. And your godson was just showing the teacher that he is trying to pull himself together.”

Tone it down? Yoga? Who is this little boy with the craziest smile ever?
Come on, I double dog dare you to try and beat that.

Why is it that something as exciting as going to my old school BFF, Mali’s destination wedding with my fave travel partners, Angie & Carlita is turning out to be so damn stressful? Granted, no matter where I go, the last five days before departure are always hectic but this is ridiculous! Two assignments are due, a new pimple pops up every hour, everybody keeps calling an emergency meeting, the rent needs to be paid, the hairdresser is overbooked, my fave nail shop around the corner just got shut down by the health department, I lost the five pounds and the strapless magenta bridesmaid dress is looking crazy and I don’t have but two pair of clean underwear left in my drawer! Argh- I need a nap.



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