Yesterday afternoon I came across a well written criticism of Kanye’s West upcoming video, Monster. (Read it HERE) The writer, Melinda Tankard Reist takes serious issue with all of the dead bodies strewn throughout the promo. And not just because it’s kinda distasteful to have corpses literally hanging around from the rafters, but be really because, from the clip it seems that all the bodies are women. And truth be told, there is a certain unavoidable subliminal message conveyed when the only bodies being desecrated and discarded are female. It’s called gendered violence.
Now with all that said, I actually respect Kanye’s willingness to take everything to the limit- even if it makes folks question whether you have a thing for necrophilia. BLANK STARE.
Shoot, it takes a lot to make a hit song that really sticks with folks nowadays.
So, I’m not jumping to judgement until I see the entire video. And I’ll also keep my fingers crossed that there are a bunch of dead male bodies chilling in Nikki Minaj’s segment. To make it equal and whatnot…
But morning, I got to reminiscing about the days that it didn’t take FOUR people and a graphic ass video to make a song memorable. You know, when ONE dope ass rapper could create a banger that was so hot you didn’t even need the video (that was clearly conceptualized ny people under the influence of more than a little licca and probably cost all of $50).
Exhibit A: Redman’s ‘s Time 4 Sum Aksion
Keep it real, if you were older than 8 years old at the time that this song dropped, it was your shit. Forreal. And if you weren’t, get into it now.
We hear so many horror stories about sexting gone wrong and exes posting nude pics of women AND men on the internet that it’s impossible not to become jaded by low folks can go. But happily, here’s a small victory for the victims…
A 20 year-old man in New Zealand plead guilty to distributing indecent material for posting a naked picture of his ex-girlfriend on Facebook without her consent and was actually sentenced to JAIL time.
Granted, it was only 4 months but still….
In what he’s calling an “act of revenge” but I consider straight bitchassness, Joshua Simon Ashby posted a photo of a woman he’d been dating on and off (NOT EVEN HIS GIRLFRIEND), which featured her naked in front of a mirror on homegirl’s own Facebook page. READ: So she’d be humilated in front of ALL of her friends and family.
As if that isn’t mortifying enough, Ashby altered the security settings to make it available for viewing to everyone on FB, then altered her password so she could not remove it.
Mind you, this happened AFTER previous incidents where he’d already stolen two of her dresses and destroyed them, knocked her down and broke her cellphone and threatened to kill her via text messages.
I sincerely hope this chick is sues the ‘ish outta him in civil court and leaves his abusive, bullying behind naked and broke.
Yo, why are the Texas Rangers such HATERS??? Good grief.
One would think having an opportunity to go to the World Series (even if they got their ass SPANKED by San Francisco) would’ve made the miserable Southerns happy but NO. Instead of celebrating the minor miracle, the freaking OWNER of the team, Chuck Greenburg is talking ish about Yankee FANS.
And I quote, “I thought Yankee fans, frankly, were awful. They were either violent or apathetic, neither of which is good. So I thought Yankee fans were by far the worst of any I’ve seen in the postseason. I thought they were an embarrassment.”
Really dude? Yankee fans are the worst? Have ya seen the Red Sox fans???
*rolls eyes*
Man listen… MAYBE if you were just a little more focused on WINNING the World Series rather than bashing a the die-hard fans of your *cough* 27-time championship *cough* competitors, then you might have something more substantial to offer Cliff Lee at the negotiation table in t-minus four days.
But instead, I’m going to use all my energy to pray for Rutgers University defensive tackle Eric LeGrand.
This past Saturday, the 20 year-old got hit during a routine play in the game against Army and suffered an injury to the C-3 and C-4 level of his spine. He has been paralyzed from the neck down ever since. While doctors are still not sure if it’s bruise or a complete break, the recovery from this is going to be long and challenging.
I shudder to imagine the terror that this promising young man and his family are experiencing at this very moment.
May God hear all our prayers for his speedy return to health.
Aww, this promo commercial is too freaking adorable.
*happy sigh*
I love Sesame Street, especially poor hapless Grover. He’s like the best blue monster EVER.
You know, kinda makes me wish I had a child of my very own to share this with… sorta. Okay no, not really. But I do think this video is as heartwarming as warm chocolate chip cookies. And that’s saying a lot coming from my greedy behind.
OMG, OMG, Oh My F’KING God!!! This video is crazy. I am so going to have nightmares for days behind this nonsense. Real talk, I can’t even breath I’m so freaked out.
How the hell did this fool sit there and tape this attack? And he was there with his children? Are you freaking KIDDING me??? Please believe that I would’ve been snatched up my kid and hit the bricks from the moment I saw blood being drawn on the first bite.
Those poor men. I am literally shaking right now.
When I tell you that my kids are
NEVER going to step foot anywhere near a damn one-ring circus in LIFE?!?!?!
Lord have mercy… I wonder what the trainers did behind the scenes to those lions that angered them to that point. SMDH.
*makes a sign of the cross with the right as I reach for a sedative with my left*
Sometimes there’s just so much craziness going on in the world that I have no choice but to block the most sensational sounding stories out.
Hence, why it took 5 days for me to actually bother to read the details on Jesse Shipley, the kid from Staten Island that died in a car crash & for whatever reason, after already determining cause of death; the coroner decided to keep his brain in the office while returning the body to the family for burial.
Mind you, no one would’ve ever been the wiser except kids from the dead boy’s school just so happened to have a field trip to said coroner’s office. And the genius examiner had Jesse’s brain in a clear jar with his damn name labeled on it out for display.
Yeah, you read that correctly. As in for show n’ tell.
Oh but forget about the traumatized kids who saw their friend’s brain in a jar and the family who realized that they had buried their child without a brain. The best part? Now the family’s priest who refused to consider it a “proper burial” without the brain intact. So the parents had to dig up the body, put the brain inside the carcass and RE-bury their child.
Now, when I tell ya’ll we’re living through the end of days…
*starts tossing holy water like I’m popping champagne*
Wow. I just read the story about 18 year-old Tyler Clementi who apparently committed suicide after his punk ass roommate, Dharun Ravi and Ravi’s homegirl, Molly Wei used a hidden webcam to stream the Rutger University freshman’s make-out with another dude live on the Internet. And added bonus: announced the intention to do so on his Twitter feed.
Seriously? This story completely breaks my heart. How nasty and mean of an individual can you be to videotape your own roommate and then put it up on the freaking internet? As a female, knowing how often it’s done to women, why would you ever co-sign on sexually exploiting anyone like that? Why is the idea of two men making out even funny? It’s just sex. Big damn deal. SMH.
So now, this promising kid, who was apparently a very talented violinist, just jumped off the George Washington Bridge and both your dumb asses are looking at least five years in jail.
Still funny now?
Uugh. No one deserves such an undignified outing of their sexual orientation.Ever. My heart goes out to his family.
So yeah, not sure about you but personally I’m not really trying to go see The Social Network in theaters. Not saying it’s not interesting enough to add it to the queue when it hits Netflix but as for shelling out my hard earned $12.50 to see a movie that’s just prob to make me feel like I haven’t done ‘ish with my entire life- err-um, no thank you.
Howsomever, I do think that it’s pretty fantastic that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is donating $100 million dollars to the Newark public school system. Yep, pretty fantastic and right on time. Cause I for damn sure needed something EXTRA SPECTACULAR to help my mind recover from the leaked cellphone pics of Eddie Long posing in his bathroom like Demi Moore wearing head-to-toe shiny black spandex and a Kangol.
The Lord be coming through all day every day, I tell ya.
Quick question: What in the lost-90s-singers & rappers-vortex happened to Case and his plethora of head wear? Like forget Ne-Yo’s receeding hairline, that man right there was the original hide-ya-head R&B singer. That bad boy could seriously go from baseball cap to ski skully to straight up pantyhose all in one video, like what? Say something.
But all fun and foreheads aside, I thought he was trying to stage a comeback.What had happened? Trey Songz got him shook or something?
Cause forreal, ‘Broken Glass’ and ‘Not Your Friend’ were the straight joints back in the day! And God only knows how many folks used that damn ‘Happily Ever After’ as their wedding song. Yeah man, for a hot minute Case was the ‘ish.
Speaking of Happily Ever After, I didn’t realize Beyonce was the lead female in the video until just now. Mmm-hmmm, front and center with that big ‘ole crazy 90s freeze curls piled up on her head. Looking like a fake Cleopatra in the empty museum.