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another reason to support hbcus….

Running out the door this morning but I had to take a moment and give a shout out to the 5 brilliant Columbia students that were arrested yesterday afternoon in the wake of a huge undercover narcotics operation: (from left) Stephan Vincenzo, Michael Wymbs, Chris Coles, Adam Klein and Harrison David .

Way to use your intelligence, access and priviledge for a whole bunch of nothing. Absolutely NOTHING.

Yeah… My fave is Harrison talking about, he HAD to do it because his father wouldn’t pay his tuition. Word? And the concept of a student loan and part-time job never, ever, ever crossed his mind, huh? Oh okay, just checking.


All of ya’ll are a bunch of freaking idiots. Instead of graduation, now you’re looking at serious Fed time. Good. Luck.

PS. Special kudos to the Chris Coles. There’s always a confused one in the bunch. Your poor parents… this is NOT what they signed on for when they sent their little Black boy to a such a prestigious Ivy League University.
Comments ( 2 )
  • Elita says:

    Even better? "Stephan Vincenzo"'s real name is Jose Lopez. He changed it because he felt it was too plain *BLANK STARE*

  • Ryan Mega says:

    i guess you had a scholarship to pay for your education. i went to tenn state. 20,000 less than columbia per semester. nothing but a pell grant. no athletic scholarship. worked a full time job, took out loans, and still had to sell drugs here and there to pay for school. yeah i supported my family back home, but the tuition was a bigger burden. some might say i bit off too much or didn't

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