Category: keep hope alive

I lucked up on a ticket to last night’s VH1’s Hip-Hop Honors Awards. And although I’m not normally a fan of attending shows that are going to be taped for TV (too much down time changing sets, reading lines for commercials, and overall time inefficiency); I have to say it was really good.

Granted, I’m a huge fan of all the acts that were honored- Cyprus Hill, De La Soul, Slick Rick, Too $hort, and Naughty by Nature-so from the beginning I was excited. But what really put the night over the edge were how amazing the majority of the performances by the non-nominated artists. When Busta Rhymes came out dressed in the bright aqua knickers with a matching eye patch to perform a Slick Rick tune, I DIED. Scarface, Estelle, Q-Tip, Big Boi, Mos Def, Cee Lo, freakin’ EPMD(!?!?)…
Oh when I tell you that Naughty by Nature ripped it DOWN with OPP?? I didn’t even remember that I liked that song. But there I was singing along to every single word like it was 1991… loudly. Can I tell you, it feels so good to be old school!

So as usual, I’m running a little behind on updating my peeps. Please blame it on my head, not my heart… Anyhoo, I am sad to say that Denene and I did not win the African American Literary Award for our category. Sniffle, sniffle… Although definitely disappointed, knowing that our work was worth a mention is reward enough (at least I’m sure that’s what my mom would want me to say). But between you, me and the wall- the second book in the series is 100x better and it’s on and popping the next time!

I woke up this morning feeling kinda funky. Not in the literal- you ain’t wash yo bootie/ brush the teeth- way. It was more emotional. Like very much fussy and sad, you know? So my knee jerk reaction was to cast blame on the crappy weather and neverending clutter in my apartment. So to ward off the blues, I immediately set about cleaning up. And I cleaned from the kitchen on back, deadline be damned, I cleaned my house today. And still, the funkiness remained.

Then I happened to gance at my calendar and it all came together. This weekend is the Atlanta Classic!! Where my illustrious alma mater Florida A&M University (the dopest HBCU in the country) will be whooping all up on Tennessee State University like a red-headed stepchild while all my old ass college friends will be simultaneously getting drunk and actin’ up like it’s still 1997 up in that piece. Cause we what? Bleed Orange and Green! And when it’s all said and done- ain’t no party like a FAMU party!!!

I on the other hand, will be stuck here in New York City, trying to earn a living and keep the lights on. Sigh, sure hope the homies remember to pour a little liquor out for the kid. I got you next year!

Okay I have to take a moment to say how freaking proud of myself I am!!! After too many years of delaying (and jumping on other folk’s internet connection), this past Friday I FINALLY bought my own Linksys router!!! WOO HOO!! And wait on it, I even connected it myself! Now for those who know me, I am absolutely technologically challenged. So in retrospect, that might not have seemed like a huge deal to many, for me it was the stress equivilant of picking an outfit for that first date with a cute boy.
Naturally, because I am a living breathing exapmle of Murphy’s Law, I followed the installation CD, hook it up, it works for all of 20 minutes (read: long enough for me to throw out the box) and then na-da. No signal in the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, not even on the living room sitting beside the freaking thing. Only some cryptic message saying that the network address wasn’t established. I was in total denial. I assured myself, “oh no there’s just a blip in my building. I’m sure it’ll be on first thing in the morning.” Let’s just blips don’t happen. SO I tried to simply disconnect everythign and re-install the CDs. Nope. Now the computer is saying that the router needs to restored to its original settings. WHAT?
So now, I’m sitting there thinking I have the worst techie karma in the universe. I send out a frantic email “I’m about to kill myself if you don’t stop what you’re doing and help me” email to my boy James who builds websites (or something fantastic like that ). Mind you, he was on vacay. And proceeded to work myself up into a panic attack- “Oh god, why do I always have to buy the faulty equipment? This is what my lazy butt gets for trying to do work and watch Oprah,” on and on I went.
I am not ashamed to admit that I spent a good 20 minutes feeling sorry for myself before it occurred to my dumb butt to simply READ the printed information that they provide with the router (we writers can be a little dense that way). AND voila! At the very bottom of the page, there was an 888 service number with an ACTUAL customer service person on the other side! A wonderful woman had walked me through fixing my router in a little under an hour for FREE! Cause you know they tried to coax me into letting their computer tech remotely access my computer and do it for me for $10- CROOKS.
Long story short, I’m nowcoming to you live from the middle of my bed. Eat your heart out folks!

After spending the two nights of watching the Republicans belittle Barack and insult the intelligence of everyday Americans, my nerves were beyond bad. And while I know the most powerful thing I can give the good Senator is my vote, me and the crew plunked down our litte donation and headed to our very first group Obama fundraiser. And it was… interesting.

First of all, it took me about thirty minutes and four complete outfit changes to figure out what appropriate afterwork business attire looks like- Somehow, the sweat shorts and ripped tank top that normally wear aroud the crib seemed a little too casual. Go figure. Now keep in mind, there were two donor levels- either $25 or $100. Um, what you know about the a/c only working in the $100 donor’s VIP room? By the time the speaker, Carla Harris (I’ve been told she’s a prominent investment banker hit the stage), it looked like she’d just stepped out of a sauna. The sweat was just sliding down her face as she extolled everyone in the room to vote for Obama. Huh? I thought the reason we were there was because we had already decided to vote for Obama? Shouldn’t she have been telling the suited up “I work in finance. Here’s my card” masses to go out and find that pinktoe from Iowa that they went to business school with and convince them to vote for Obama? I’m just saying. But before I could really contemplate this discrepency, D-Nice jumped on the turntables and the whole thing turned into a Thursday night party at the Latin Quarters. Lord, give me the strength… Somehow, I don’t think that getting your 2-step on is exactly part of the Obama/ Biden campagin strategy but you know how we do.
My mom insists that I get nervous too quickly and that I should have more faith. But I think that’s easy for her to say… when things go sour and Sarah Palin is snatching books on evolution out public libraries nationwide (did you know that as a Mayor, Palin banned certain books from her town’s library?)and forcing seventeen year olds to get married (did you see that poor boy’s face?), Elsa can just bounce back to Panama. I on the other hand, don’t speak a lick of Spanish or make enough moola to even move to a more gentrified part of Harlem let alone out of the country. So forgive me for feeling like I have more to lose when I hear John McCain’s crazy can’t remember how many houses he owns ass talking like the recession is something that I made up in my mind.

Yippie, we made it! After much drama and confusion, I am finally in Martha’s Vineyard for Nicole and Melissa’s weeklong 30th birthday celebration. It’s my first time in the Vineyard… so excited.

The gang of us spent the first day, lounging at the beach, drinking wine, junk food, watching Sex In The City and talking junk about different ways to say no thank you to fun times in the no-no hole.
Then the very next morning, Melissa’s knucklehead boyfriend, Julius showed up for his three day cameo. Naturally, he brought the unique energy only an overly confident, good looking, college educated, former ball playing, single Black man with no kids and a good job can bring: no he won’t stop talkin’ shit; yes, he’s knows everything and most importatnly, where’s the McDonalds? Yeah, you heard me- Where’s. The. McDonalds. Sigh.

Stay tuned for more updates of the ubsurd…

Ever feel like the Universe is trying to tell you something?
Last week Friday I pulled a major muscle called the iliopsoas. And it hurt like hell. To make matter worse, the strained muscle became inflamed and never went down. In fact, it got to the point where it got so big it was pressing on the sciatic nerve in my right leg. I know, sounds like a whole lot of personal medical information. But bear with me. Cause long story short? I was in breathtaking pain for almost three days straight. I’m talking tears in the street, looking for the elevator in the subway, can’t get out of bed in the middle of the night, calling Elsa to come get me pain.
Now we all know, there’s always a lesson in the struggle, right? And my lesson came when the doctor informed me of the cause the increased inflammation. Apparently, 75% of the severe inflammation was due to me not resting, running around the city trying to do 50 million things at once in no support having flip-flops and joggig on the pavement. The other 25%? Well that was from straight up stress. My constant worrying about what’s next, what I’m not doing, who owes me what, where I should be, etc. Simply put, my inability to relax,relate and release finally caught up with me.
And so now, that I’m back at a point where I can actually get up out of the bed and move around again with some sense of normalacy all I say is- DULY NOTED. Ain’t no fun being the cripple chick. It’ time to let go and let God… while I make like GUY and chill for a bit.
(sorry if you’re too young to understand).

So I finally went to a BBQ this past Saturday. And after all the complaining I was doing about not getting invited to one you’d think I’d be overjoyed and doing one-handed cartwheels… not so much. But you know what your mom always says- if you ain’t got nothing nice to say keep it to yourself.
So all I’m going to say is- it was really nice to catch up with my girl Christina and her friends from Howard. Hopefully, the next time I won’t have to drive to somewhere behind God’s back, be surrounded by a very whatever crowd of people and damn near break my front tooth on an overcooked lobster claw.

I really do mean to post everyday. How-some-ever, life has a funny way of getting in the way. go figure. But enough with the excuses, on to the good news. My mom’s sister, affectionately known as Tia Puchi is in town for 2 weeks. So I’ve been running around spending quality time with her. Which is hilarity at its best. In my humble opinion, my Tia is exactly what you would get if you crossed my little sister Melissa and myslef- an outgoing, sarcastic, hard-headed diva- who loves her dogs. For those that know that know both me and Melissa, I’ll let you be the judge of which attributes belong to whom. ;)

But enough of my favorite aunt and how much fun I’ve been having doing nothing worth talking about, can we please have a moment about double dutch? And how it is now going to be a competitve varsity sport in the NYC public highschools. Can we get an Amen? Cause if I jog past ONE MORE fifteen year old girl or guy with love handles and a gut, I’m gonna have to burn down the nearest McDonalds! All fun and jokes aside, aren’t your the teen years supossed to be when everything you have is tight, right and stands up all on its own? You can only blame the growth hormones so much before we have to admit that sitting on a stoop from the time they get out of school until they go into the apartment at night doesn’t exactly burn a lot of calories. Okay?

Read and celebrate:

There are no words. For the record, I generally hold the New Yorker in high regard. However, this cover has really caused me to pause and rethink that. What’s worse, the pundits now saying that Obama and his camp are being sensitive. They feel Obama should have embraced the cover. Apparently, he was wrong to come out so strongly against it and instead should laughed it off.

Um I’m so sorry, what is there to laugh about?



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