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mo money, mo problems…

So Oprah’s got a half-sister, huh?

Lucky chick.

Cause I surely was sitting here hoping that the big announcement was that she discovered that she actually had a secret love child out and that it turned out to be ME. No offense mom.

Oh wells, so much for that crack pipe dream.

On another note, prayers up for all the victims of the terrorist attack at the Moscow airport and Holly Lahti, the 29 year-old single mom that won $190 million dollars in the Mega Millions jackpot about three weeks ago. Turns out homegirl had serious domestic violence issues with her sleazy, estranged husband (who put that nasty shiner on her left eye back in 2003 & also happens to be suing for a chunk of her winnings) and is now missing.


*makes the sign of the cross and starts tossing holy water every which way*
Comments ( 1 )
  • Candice Frederick says:

    yeah seriously i thought it was going to be a more earth shattering revolution from oprah personally. But, for real, when is patricia gonna start askign for her backlog of paychecks from the oprah winfrey fund?

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