So freaking excited! Today I’m going to be one of the esteemed featured panelists at the Abyssinian Development Corporation’s COLLEGE, HERE I COME Youth Forum! Woo Hooo, go Mitzi! Get busy! Go Mitzi! (insert image of me doing the cabbage patch mad hard)
So basically, instead of doing boring grown-up work, yours truly will be spending a good portion of my day at Thurgood Marshall Academy for Learning & Social Change discussing the importance/ benefits of obtaining a higher education with 75-100 impressionable middle school kids. (READ: dazzling them with my craziest PG-rated college stories and totally bragging my behind off about how awesome it was to attend the BESTEST HBCU in the universe, Florida A&M University).
Congrats and good luck Mitzi!!!<br /><br />Peace, Love and Chocolate<br />Tiffany
Represent, Mitzi!<br /><br />–Toya<br /> McGuinn 1st floor still rules! LOL!
how awesome! my friend works at ADC and helped organize the event.
Mitzi loves the kids. LOL