Wait a minute, why is Mayor Bloomberg so freakin’ GANGSTA??
Wait a minute, why is Mayor Bloomberg so freakin’ GANGSTA??
I must say, yesterday was a lot. First, waking up to the sound of pouring rain and then realizing that my cable/ internet wasn’t working definitely blew me. But in the grand scheme of things, it could’ve always been worse.
Err-umm, I know most parents stop whooping their kids when they get old enough to comprehend but real talk? Some of these hard headed mo-fo’s need to be beat all the way up until they turn 21 years-old. And preferably with a large, thick, you-gonna-remember-this-one-right-here leather belt like the one my Dad used on my lil’ ass back in the day… Uh-huh, yeah, I said it.
‘Cause if more teenagers understood that they could still catch a bad one from their parents, we damn sure wouldn’t have bored children enlisting to become assassins in Mexican drug cartels, playing themselves out in ridiculous reality shows like NYC Prep or walking into tattoo parlors talking about, “hi. I want you to tat up my body to the point where the only place I’ll ever be able to work is a circus.”
Because in what can only be attributed to a lack of fear of the parental beat down, 18 year-old Kimberley Vlaeminck decided to have 56 freaking stars etched into the side of her FACE. And to no one’s surprise but her own, her father completely lost his shit when that fast ass got home.
So naturally, like all immature, adolescents under pressure Ms. Kimberley went straight into denial mode.
Don’t you know, this silly child had the nerve to insist that she’d “only asked for three stars, feel asleep in the chair and woke up with a galaxy on her face.” You ONLY asked for three stars on your FACE??? Feel free to insert the blank stare with 2 blinks.
But wait on it… Her parents actually believed that bullshit!
I mean to say, not only did they believe it but they proceeded to hire a lawyer and press charges against the tattoo artist/ parlour. As if any sober person in their right mind could sleep through 56 stars being inked on his/her face… I. can’t.
Needless to say, not even a week later homegirl got caught on a hidden camera admitting that she knew all along what the tattoo artist was going to do. So she’s had to issue an apology, retract her statement, lost the almost $18,000 her parents put into making the claim/ hiring a lawyer, et al.
So ummm, I’m just going to go out on a limb and say, this right here. This is what happens when “time outs” go horribly wrong. No offense
Damn Elizabeth Edwards! Why don’t you tell us how you really feel about your husband’s affair, mistress and the illegitimate daughter he now has??
Lookey, lookey here- guess which unwed teenage mom just called off her farce of an engagement? Ding, ding, ding- you guessed it: worthless ass Bristol Palin aka Patron Saint of Poor White Teenage Trash.
As if anyone was surprised. From day one poor Levi Johnston has worn the blatant ‘woah is me, I’m just an innocent teenage redneck. How in the moose hunting- Budweiser drinking hell did I mess around and knock up my jump-off’ expression on his big, flat, playdough face. Walking from press opt to press opt like the only thing he wanted for Xmas was a paternity test… Damn shame. I’m just glad homeboy finally smartened up and bizz-ounced.
Of course, can’t be mad at Bristol for trying to spin the breakup. Releasing the crazy statement about “unnamed people trying to take advantage of her family’s fame” as the reason why things fell apart. Yeah, okay honey bunny. Why don’t you go sit your special behind down and look at Russia?
Good lord, the pink toes never cease to amaze do they?
First they were shopping in secret and now that, surprise, surprise, this whole “recession thing” hasn’t gone away, they’ve formed an anonymous support group for the girlfriends of finance guys!! No really, I’m not even kidding. I swear I couldn’t make this up if I tried…
According to the NYTimes, the group of NYC women refer to themselves as Wall Street Widows and the name of their support group is Dating A Banker Anonymous. And in case you were wondering, there’s an open invitation to any woman who fits the following criteria: “if your monthly Bergdorf’s allowance has been halved and bottle service has all but disappeared from your life.” Seriously? Just so we’re clear, you’re complaining about the change in a lifestyle that you’ve become accustomed to BEFORE you even got married??? Oh my goodness, that is so gangster!
The members meet once or twice weekly for brunch or drinks at a bar or restaurant to commiserate on how the plunging stock market and depressed economy have turned their former type-A, cocky, super human, richass finance boyfriends into whimpering, needy, erratic BROKEASS nightmares. Talking about, they’re moody, up all hours of the night checking the Blackberry and wait on it- aren’t exactly performing in the bedrooms. YIKES.
Good luck Becky Sue…
Wow, I just read the most random and utterly depressing news- Waterford Wedgewood has filed for bankruptcy. Good god, that company has set the standard in fine chine and crystal wares for like forever. And just like that it’s a wrap. Dayum…
I swear, at the rate things are going everybody’s wedding registry will request paper plates, plastic forks and those big red solo cups. Yeah, I said it.
So apparently OJ isn’t the only one headed directly to the clink.
Earlier today, a Hong Kong jury dismissed an appeal by Nancy Kissel the American housewife (read: privileged white woman) has was convicted of murder and sent to prison for life after feeding her wealthy Merrill Lynch banker hubby a sedative spiked milkshake and then wait on it… clubbing him to death with a statuette. Then homegirl rolled his body up in a carpet and tried to hide him in a storage room. Too bad in real life, bodies decompose and the rancid smell of rotting flesh gave her away. EEWWWAAAA!
The ‘Milkshake Murderess’ as she has come to be known, has repeatedly tried to claim self-defense. But I’m thinking all that went through the window when the prosecution found out about the TV repairman lover waiting for her back in the United States.
Why is this so the next Lifetime movie of the week? I can see the title now…
Clubbed For Love.
Come on, you know I’m right…
Good grief, Elisabeth Hasselhoff is EXHAUSTING with all her damn crying!! She’s such a Republican bully! Always picking a fight with someone 10 times as intelligent as she is and then when she can’t win with logic, she goes for the tears. But apparently this time she picked the wrong black woman to try that bullcrap with. Here’s what had happened:
Little Miss Elisabeth jumped up on her soapbox about how black people shouldn’t use the n-word beacause “it perpetuates stereotypes and hate.” So Whoppi immediately countered the silly rhetoric with, “We use it the way we want to use it.” THEN because Elisabeth is always going hard for the entitled white woman who don’t know when to back down, she says, “we all live in the same world.” At this point, it’s safe to say KNOW Whoopi was DONE. And she proceeded to get all up in that crack and shut whiny-ass Elisabeth down with, “We do live in different worlds. You don’t understand.” Can the church say AMEN?
Oh and for the record, even Babs had enough of little Miss Elisabeth temper tantrums. She jumped in on the discussion and hit Elisabeth with the old school “You’re not listening, you’re just talking” line your parents used to say when they were sick of the very sound of your voice. So funny…
Okay dead serious, Kate Beckinsale is my new absolute favorite famous white girl (sorry Brit-Brit)!! I just read the most honest and hilarious Q&A from a working white celebrity that I’ve come across in like, forever. And I specify working because as soon as they become non-working D-listers, we can’t seem to get them to shut da hell up (read: Tori Spelling, Jessica Simpson, et al.).